
Monday, September 23, 2013

Summer off

I started this blog about a year ago by writing about the molecular biology of B cell cancers figuring there may be an audience wanting to understand more about CLL and NHL but unable to find the type of material they wanted.  There are lots of physicians who write to physicians, and medical writers who write to patients, but not as many doctors who write to patients.  Furthermore, in cases where doctors do write for patients, such articles are often watered down for the “average” individual.  I’m sure I occasionally get too technical with my writings, but I like to aim high and it seems that appeals to those of you who have faithfully followed my posts.  Thank you to those who continue to read even though it may at times include challenging language and terminology.

I’ve largely taken the summer off from writing.  Creating content for the blog can take quite a bit of time.  With the unbelievable multitude of new drugs to be studied in CLL/NHL, my life has been filled with protocol reviews, cancer conferences, and local research management issues - on top of an extremely busy clinic.
I guess one lesson of my job is that you can’t take a pass on living life when you have the chance.  Summer in Oregon is magical.  There are few places as beautiful as the Pacific Northwest this time of year.  There are few joys equal to taking the family for a hike and swimming in waterfalls.
But the seasons change. 
While I am not yet ready to let go of summer, school has started, the Oregon Ducks football team is playing again, and the research meeting schedule is already in full swing.  The rain has started early this year.  Soon the leaves will be changing and the “indoor season” will be upon us.

I will probably start writing a little more again as the days get shorter and going out to feel the warmth of the summer sun is no longer an option.  I’m not sure I will hit the productivity I did last spring when the post ideas just kept coming to me, but hopefully I can keep updating this with things you might find interesting.  I've got a few video posts ready to go, and a deep dive on 11q- mostly done.

I hope you have all had a good summer too.  Many readers of this blog are here because of some unwanted realities.  I hope that in the midst of your journeys, you can pause and find the things around you that are indeed good.  Cancer is a weird journey.  I’ve heard many patients comment that it has provided them with clarity to life that enables them to focus on what is really important. 

In that way, I hope I can learn from you all too.  Thank you for teaching me what is really important in life.  I just wish I was a better student of the lessons you all hold.  My waterfall hike this summer was a brief moment in time but it will be an everlasting memory.

Thank you.